Pig clean house robot


Significant burden reduction of pig house cleaning work can be done. Please consider to adopt at the time of new construction and remodeling.

Standard Model with no Head Rotation Mechanism ( X100 Model )
Head mounted model with Rotation Mechanism that can avoid obstacles such as passage side posts. ( XT100 Model )

This wash robot have high reliability and the powerful detergency that can wash the most of place in a pig house.

The machine is simple in its construction and operation architecture such as running to the correct direction automatically and stopping at wall (obstacles) automatically by safety ultrasound sensor. The specially developed water jet nozzle makes the water molecules still keep binding even at a distance of 5m and provides very effective cleaning performance. PROCLEANER can be programmed to control and to operate with certain moving speed, nozzle movement, and interval time.

Specification and Key Features

Dimensions (LxWxH) 100cmx65cmx160cm
Weight  300kg
Power supply  200V
Water Requirements Separately supplied by connection with high pressure washer
(Recommended to use a pump that delivers 30L/min at 130bar)
Water pressure Operating pressure of 140bar (200bar Maximum)
Water consumption 20L/min Min. to 40L/min Max. (30L/min Optimal)
Specially developed water jet nozzle

The specially developed water jet nozzle still carries water molecules even at a distance of 5m, and this makes it possible to perform very effective cleaning.

Washing operation setting program

The washing program can be set and customized according to the need from a variety of different pig houses or varying needs.

Examples of use

In the case of a narrow passage

Even at the passage with many obstacles, it can wash the place to clean by using the short arm (30 – 60cm).

There are variety of the wash arm in its arm length to fit use space and use environment.
(The wash arm is an option. Please see the size chart below)

(Option: Adjust wheel)
It helps to move smoothly on passages.

The chart for arm sizes
 Part number Minimum – Maximum (cm)   The approximate wash distance from a nozzle (m)
501022  50-100  3.7-4.2
501023  60-120  3.8-4.4
501024  70-130  3.9-4.5
501025  80-160  4.0-4.8
501026  90-180  4.1-5.0
501027  100-200  4.2-5.2
501028  110-220  4.3-5.4
501029  120-240  4.4-5.6
501032  130-260  4.5-5.8
501033  140-280  4.6-6.0

(Please select necessary arm size.)

For open area

The machine can be used at the place with no passage by using the rail system (option).

Note: It can’t be used at slope or at steps.

Please check in the video

Operating video of "ROCLEANER X100"

Operating video of "OCLEANER XT100"

You can easily adjust the length of the arm

Shorter arms also available

Option: How to use the side wheel

It can get over a rod of 1 - 2cm (obstacles).