
Since we acquired “ISO14001” international environmental management standard certification on 29th of September, 2004, we have been reducing environmental load as much as possible and operating environment-conscious management system.

The basic policy which we are holding up aligns with our philosophy, attitude and direction of our environmental treatment. Hence, we will continue effort to reduce environmental load by checking influence caused by our activities. Moreover, we will pursue environmental protection activities which lead to social contribution.

Basic Policy

Basic Philosophy

Kyodo International Inc. is Importing and Exporting, Producing and Selling, Researching and Developing in different kinds of business fields: Electronics, Farming Implements, Foods, Life Science.
Our mission is to harmonize environment protection and our business activity, being always active and diligent in environment preservation, offering products that are always in unison with the environment and thus contribute to society.

Environmental Policy

Based on ISO14001 and the Basic Philosophy, all of us decided to pursue the pro-environment protection activities.

  1. We shall work on offering environment-conscious products.
  2. We shall keep up continuous improvement of the system and endeavor to prevent environmental pollution.
  3. We shall follow law regulations in regard to the environment and the rest of the agreed conditions and do our best to prevent environment pollution.
  4. We shall execute environment protection activities based on our environmental policy, endeavor to achieve environmental goal and objective and review periodically.
  5. We shall execute more recycling, less waste, less energy consumption and less resource consumption.
  6. We shall make all our employees to be aware of this policy. We shall disclose it to the public.

Established : April 1,2004
Revised : April 1,2020

Kyodo International Inc.
President CEO Kenshin Ikeda