DNA Collection Kit : Oragene®•DISCOVEROragene® is a trademark of DNA Genotek Inc, Canada

Oragene® is a trademark of DNA Genotek Inc, Canada

DNA Collection Kit : Oragene®-DISCOVER

Oragene®-DISCOVER (OGR-600) can be easily taken the high quality of the DNA from saliva. It is only to collect the saliva, can be taken safely and easily DNA. It also can collect and storage saliva (DNA) samples at room temperature for a long term. Also it can be purified the DNA by using the Oragene purified solution.

This kit is suitable for clinical genetic research, inspection, incurable disease, not only the genetic patient to members of the researchers involved in the study cohort, including the relatives. We recommend people who is not satisfied with the amount of DNA from cells in the mouth and nails by the swab and hair roots, and have difficulties to obtain the agreement of the blood provides for DNA recovery to use this kits. It has been used for consulting services such as gene analysis because it can be safely used by all ages. Kyodo International is Japanese distributor of Oragene®-DISCOVER.

*For Reserch

Related products

Features of DNA collection kit Oragene®-DISCOVER

  • Improve donor care and compliance with painless, non-invasive sample collection. Easy to get donor's agreement for sample collection.
  • Safe and easy to collect sample. It is easier to collect DNA sample from donors who do not want to give blood sample or is far from receivers.
  • The median DNA yield from 2ml of saliva samples is 110ug. (There are individual differences in the amount of DNA.)
  • All-in-one system for the collection, stabilization and transportation of DNA from saliva. The reagent for the purification is sold separately.
  • The source of DNA is white blood cells and buccal epithelial cells. The small amount of bacterial DNA content in Oragene®-DISCOVER does not affect downstream applications
    (PCR、SNPs Array、Micro Array、HLA Typing、NGS、Genome-wide association study.)
  • Sample remains stable for years at room temperature, reducing transportation and storage costs. Long term storage at 4℃ is not recommended. Please store at ambient temperature or freeze.
  • Please do not store Oragene tube in freezer. If store samples at lower temperature, please transfer the samples to appropriate tube like cryo tube etc.
  • Oragene, ORAcollect and OMNIgene products can be inactivated of SARS-CoV-2.


  • Improve donor care and compliance with painless, non-invasive sample collection.
  • Sample remains stable for years at room temperature and collect enough amount of DNA and higher quality DNA.
  • Research for clinical, incurable disease and cohort study.
  • Consulting services such as gene analysis.

Collection method comparison

  Blood Collection Oral Collection
Attributes Venous blood Buccal swabs Mouthwash Oragene®-DISCOVER(OGR-600)
Non-invasive collection - - -
Specimen stability at room temperature Days Days Weeks Years
Low bacterial content -
(up to 90% bacterial content)
(up to 60% bacterial content)
(median 11.8% bacterial content)
Median DNA yield 30 µg / 1ml Blood 2 µg / Swab 35 µg / 10ml 110 µg / 2ml Saliva
Molecular weight > 23kb > 23kb < 23kb >23kb
Shipping at ambient temperature -

Compared to collection methods, blood, buccal swab and mouthwash those are popular method in the world.
Oragene®-DISCOVER method is non-invasive method to collect DNA sample and store sample at room temperature for a long time.
Concerning a period of stability DNA at room temperature, Oragene®-DISCOVER allow to store DNA at room temperature for several years though conventional methods can store only for days or weeks.
It has been used successfully for DTC services which provided by IT companies, consumer-electronics makers, health food companies, cosmetic companies etc, Also it can be dropped into the post box to ship easier, so it would be suitable for genetics consulting service.

Sample collection method

Step1 Collect saliva

(1) Spit into funnel until the amount of liquid saliva (not bubbles) reaches the fill line shown in picture #1.

(2) Hold the tube upright with one hand. Close the funnel lid with the other hand (as shown) by firmly pushing the lid until you hear a loud click. The liquid in the lid will be released into the tube to mix with the saliva. Make sure that the lid is closed tightly.

(3) Hold the tube upright. Unscrew the funnel from the tube.

(4) Use the small cap to close the tube tightly.

(5) Shake the capped tube for 5 seconds. Discard or recycle the funnel.

RNA can be extracted by the 3rd party’s purification


Step 2 Storage & Stability


Step 3 DNA Purification

Step 3 DNA Purification

Oragene/saliva samples were collected and stored at
either room temperature (24℃), 37℃ or 50℃ for periods of time up to 187 days.
Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted from Oragene/saliva samples.

Step 3 DNA Purification


Step4 Downstream Applications

Downstream Applications: Reference data

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DNA Collection kit with Sponge

For assisted collection

Related products and services

Human and microbial DNA and RNA from a single saliva sample : OMNIgene™·SALIVA

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Microbial Collection and Stabilization Kits OMNIgene®・VAGINAL

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Microbial Collection and Stabilization Kits : OMNIgene®·SKIN

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Metabolomics collection and stabilization kit : OMNImet・GUT

All-in-one system for easy at-home collection, homogenization and room temperature stabilization of targeted and untargeted metabolites from fecal samples.

DNA collection kit for animals : PERFORMAgene

Collect the mucus from mouth or nasal or vagina of animals, can be taken safely and easily DNA.

Microbial collection and stabilization kit : PERFORMAbiome・GUT

Easily self-collect a high quality sample from animals rapidly homogenize and stabilize at the point of collection.

DNA analysis/Test service

We will offer the best service to your DNA analysis and commercialization of the DNA test service.



  • テーブルの行列は変更しないでください。
  • 分類が複数ある場合は、| ←半角の縦棒で区切って連続で入力してください。
キーワード分類1 DNA/RNA
キーワード分類2 Human
キーワード分類3 Human DNA
製品カテゴリ1 Reagent
製品カテゴリ2 DNA/RNA
分野 Drug discovery|Cancer|Pediatrics|Epidemiological cohort study|Psychiatry|Infection disease|Personalized medicine|Disease prevention|Genomics|Biomarker|Epigenome|Bioinformatics
サムネイル画像 DNA採取キット Oragene®·DNA
説明文 Collect superior DNA samples from saliva for your genetic research